I have a passion for homemaking and teaching people how to do the same.  I decided to share my knowledge with everyone as I constantly get asked “how did you do that”?  I am excited to be documenting and sharing all of my cooking and crafting adventures will all of you.  My philosophy is the make the best with what God has given you, so whether you are just starting out living check to check or are on the upper tax brackets, I believe in being wise with the resources you have.  So what does that mean when it comes to homemaking?

Cooking- I try to make as much as possible from scratch.  This is not because I am a pioneer woman, it just means that the food is less processed, hence, more healthy for my family and it saves a ton of money (at the grocery store and at the doctors)!  I attempt to can food every year (some years I have more time than others); I don’t like to let things go to waste, so I will use what I have whenever possible (using up leftovers, freezing things before expiration).  Cooking this way isn’t complicated, yes it can take a little bit of extra time, but it is well worth it.  I can honestly say that my family would prefer a mom-cooked meal at home than any restaurant.  (Disclaimer: I don’t think my family has always felt that way, but with practice, I have this cooking thing down!)

General Cleaning- whenever possible, I use natural cleaners; they usually work better than the chemical ones anyway.  Not only purchased cleaners, but old fashioned methods like vinegar and baking soda.   They are safer for the environment, safer for my family and way cheaper!

Decorating/ Furnishings- This is where I save my family a ton of money! I always try to find what I want at a thrift store.  Furniture that is made out of real wood is almost always salvageable!  A little sanding and paint and I can make furniture better than new.  I also try to think outside of the box when it comes to furniture. Just because it was make to function as one piece, doesn’t mean it can’t be used for another purpose! Things I can’t find used and can’t make myself, I will search the internet to find the best deal possible, find a coupon and wait the extra time it takes to get delivered.  There are very few things in my house that I purchased new.

Household Finances- You’ve probably gathered that I am pretty frugal.  On a day to day basis, our family pays with cash and the debt we do have is being paid off as fast as possible.  However, we do still take nice vacations, my husband and I go on dates regularly and we do splurge every now and again on certain items.  I believe it is well balanced, as we save whenever we can, but don’t dismiss all opportunities to make memories with our kids and keep our marriage alive.

Overall, I want to be a good steward with what we have been given.

I look forward to sharing with you!